Chappaqua Congress of Teachers benefit fund
Proudly Serving Our Members' Needs
Announcements & Updates
Get one-on-one support from our advocates for health and well-being issues. Our goal is to make your life happier, healthier, and easier. We’re here for you no matter what, to help with anything you need anytime you need it, in the language and communication channel you’re most comfortable using.
Your Benefits Booklet has been updated and reposted on January 26, 2024.
For questions related to your coverage, please contact our plan administrator, The Preferred Group (TPG). For general TPG assistance, call (866) 989-8997 or (518) 641-0321
Claims Submission:
Benefit Questions:
For Retirees inquiring about their billing please call (518) 641-0321 or send an email to
Your Benefits Fund coverage provides a life insurance policy through Mutual of Omaha for each of its members. Members need to re-certify your beneficiaries every 5 years.
Excellent vision benefits for members of
Chappaqua Congress of Teachers Benefit Fund
The Anthem Dental Network was added to our dental offerings late in the 2019 school year. We hope you are finding the time to utilize all of your benefits and wanted to alert you to some observations and clarifications.
Click this link for instructions on logging in to TPG to send claims, access your dental benefits, and see other information.
Benefit Fund Trustees
Jeff Knisely, Chairman of the Chappaqua Congress of Teachers Benefit Fund
Ellen Pincus, Trustee - Retirees
Brian Petruso, Horace Greeley High School
Andy Sturm, Seven Bridges Middle School
Gina Serafin, Robert E. Bell Middle School
Charles Buchanan, Horace Greeley High School
Lisa Ribushofski, Westorchard Elementary School

For general TPG assistance, call 518-641-0321
Claims Submission:
Benefit Questions:
For Retiree’s inquiring about their billing please call 518-641-0321 or send an email to